日信在香港澳門專營由日本直接進口的 Orion 啤酒,450款以上的清酒和梅酒。每季會精心挑選合乎季節時令的種類進行推廣。包括白雪,龍力,御代櫻,半藏,東光,千曲錦,久米仙和藏神等牌子。歡迎致電 +852 2850 7568查詢派發價格。
Nisoon carries the full range of Japan Imported Orion beer, more than 450 kinds of Sake and Plum Wine. We welcome order in Hong Kong & Macau, please contact our wholesale hotline +852 2850 7568.
我們經常有限定版本。現已接受訂購。因為產量極為有限,欲購從速,以免向隅。 The following three Orion are 2015 summer limited edition. This is open for order now. Due to the very limited supply, please order before this is completed sold out.
我們Orion的正常系列產品。其中包括了比較稀有的Clear Free。Clear Free是一款無糖,無酒精的啤酒,口感跟正常版本沒有分別。很適合一些輕鬆氣氛,但不能牽涉酒精的場合。 The following is our core Orion product range. Including one very special beer, called “Clear Free”, which includes zero sugar and zero alcohol. Very suitable for some relaxing function when alcohol is not allowed.